We host many fun events throughout the school year. The children enjoy activities such as pajama day, bubble day, holiday parties, and much more. We also offer family events and on-site field trips.
One such field trip includes heading over to Christ the King's own pumpkin patch, on the church property. Children get to hear a story, have a special snack, and pick out their very own pumpkin.
August - Back to School BBQ
September - Dinner Meet Up (Usually - Chuck E. Cheese)
October - Pumpkin Fest
November - Dinner Meet Up (TBD)
December - Christmas Program & Reception
January - Drive In Movie Night
February - Dinner Meet Up (Usually Chipotle)
March/April - Easter Parties & Trike-a-thon
May - Dinner Meet Up (Usually Country Harvest)
June - End of the Year Picnic & Graduation
July - Vacation Bible School & Annual Ice Cream Social
Throughout the year, we have special friends come and visit our school. Such events include dental health, fire safety, and community helpers.
We also do service projects where the children learn about the needs of others, and we will do collections to support children's organizations.
We love to involve our parents in classroom activities and school events.
We have a parent engagement team that helps us plan school events and parties. We also welcome parents as volunteers. Contact the school office for more information.